Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aguilera: September 7-10

This week was pretty intense, considering I'm in leadership. We had the rally this Friday which actually went pretty well which was a relief off of all the chaos coming up. Things tend to be relaxing this time of year..not! The San Bruno fire was anything but relaxing, seeing that I live a couple steps away from San Bruno I saw all the smoke and devastation. All the bay area tries to come together now and help out all the families. I have to pass through San Bruno park to get to my house sometimes and going through there now I see so many families and it should just go to show that materials are only available for so long and that one second could change ones world around. Just like 9/11 we'll remember this day for a long time trying to rebuild and recover the damage that's been done. Hopefully all our hearts go out to San Bruno. Also why does it seem that even though this blog looks huge, it really isn't.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Aguilera: Aug/Sept 30-3

This week just went zooming by, just like they all said. Its already September 6th..this is ridiculous, school started 3 weeks ago and its September. Everyone always says senior flys and even though I know that I cant believe its happening faster than it sounds! I remember listening to ms. wood one time..of the many times she got off topic..said that remember the month because as soon as we know it, its going to be may. Saying it again for one more high school time knowing it will happen. 24 more days is the count down til big life changing/decisions are made. I'm pretty excited to start college applications as any other senior would be but still narrowing my choices down seems to be really hard as its coming up. I was talking to Lauren Parker this week in leadership as we discussed plans for next year and the whole application process and she said one thing that really made sense, it was "don't worry, there's honestly nothing you can do so don't stress." easier said than done, right? No wonder she's the president-elect but yeah that is a good statement that I should hope for but let's see what happens and where fate takes me. The good ol' saying "Whatever happens..happens."

Aguilera: Lot's Wife

This critical response for Lot's wife is very..whats the perfect word..inspiring? Already knowing this story of Lot's wife from the Bible, it seemed like this poem took a different turn and perspective of things. Reading in details the tragedy of Lot's wife could be clearly understood as a lesson. The lesson of this would be to listen and obviously not look back on bad situations that could, possibly stop you in your tracks to where you're going. Even though it was for the better of Lot's wife she couldn't bare the memories that had been in the city she grew up which is perfectly understandable but when trying to better a family she couldnt do it. There are situations like this still happening today with teens, adults, and everyone choosing the "wrong" crowd and end up hurt maybe loosing a life possibly. This poem was a good one to learn from that we should all look back and just read over from time to time just to see the direction we are heading in life.